“Ah yes, the two genders” – Analyzing the Statistical Differences in Play Between Womens’ and Mens’ Basketball Leagues [PART 1: Score My Gender in That Box!]
When I was a young boy, sometime around 2004, my father took me to New Orleans. Growing up in Memphis, it represented a relatively affordable yet adventurous spring break vacation, especially considering the preferred method to reach NOLA from MEM is by train, the folk-famous “City of New Orleans” running along the North-South rail corridor…
Jetbrains, Please Fix DataSpell!
I mean it. I’ll go back to VSCode! I’ll even work in a browser on JupyterLab! I love DataSpell. Or the idea of it anyway. It’s billed as “The IDE for Data Scientists”, and it (mostly) lives up to this name. Through my years I’ve seen all kinds of Jupyter solutions, including barebones on a…
Hello there!
Hi! Welcome to my blog. My name is Miranda and I’m a professional data scientist with 7 years of experience.At time of writing, I’m still not entirely sure what I want this blog to be “about”, but you can expect it to cover a wide variety of topics related to my interests and professional curiosities….